Jeyes Fluid

From: £7.50


Jeyes Fluid


Jeyes Fluid is a remarkably versatile outdoor cleaner, for Paths, Patios, Driveways, Pet Housing & Unblocking Drains

Jeyes Fluid is a powerful multi-purpose cleaner and disinfectant that’s ideal for a wide range of  cleaning jobs and has many uses around the farm, stable, home and garden.

From neutralising odours and killing bacteria in and around drains, to disinfecting after pet fouling or clearing up wild and domestic bird mess.

It is also perfect for clearing fungi, mould and algae from paths, driveways and patios as well as cleaning and disinfecting pots prior to planting.  Simply mix 250ml of Jeyes Fluid per 5 litres of water.

Additional information


300ml, 1Ltr, 5Ltr

Make an enquiry if you are interested in Jeyes Fluid

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